

  1. 洪振洲, 安東平 (Christoph Anderl),〈破魔變〉中英對照校注 (Studies on the Destruction of Mara Transformation Text). 台北, 台灣: 法鼓文化. 2017/12. [link]

Journal Paper:

  1. 黃淑齡, 王昱鈞, 洪振洲, “深度學習方法在中國佛教經典目錄分類中的應用,”圖書資訊學刊, 第十一期, 221期(20246)(TSSCI)
  2. 釋廣慧, 王昱鈞, 洪振洲, “基於深度學習方法之佛教引用句推薦系統, ” ,數位典藏與數位人文,第十一期, pp. 105-133. April, 2023.
  3. 楊志常、洪振洲、周邦信。數位人文分析的探索性遠眺——以宋、元、明《楞嚴經》的註釋傳統為例。臺大佛學研究,第44期, pp. 67-104。2022.12 (THCI Core)[link]
  4. 林靜慧、洪振洲,「中古佛教寫本資料庫編碼專案」簡介— 敦煌寫卷數位資料庫之建構與應用,漢學研究通訊,41卷3期(163), pp. 25-37. 2022.08 [link]
  5. 洪振洲, 林采蓉,佛學數位分析《華嚴》「心」:初探「直心」與「深心」的詞義轉變,法鼓佛學學報,第30期, pp. 91-142. 2022. (THCI Core)[link]
  6. 洪振洲, 李志賢,以佛學研究需求為核心的線上對讀工具需求分析及系統實作與評估,數位典藏與數位人文,第八期, pp. 133-185. Oct., 2021. [link]
  7. 洪振洲以資料鏈結發展智慧時代佛教經典數位研究資源,佛光學報(THCI Core),新七卷.第一期, pp. 247-271. Jan., 2021. [link]
  8. 洪振洲、蔡伯郎,”數位資源在佛學教學之運用 — 以佛教經論教學為例, “, 佛教圖書館館刊,第66期, pp. 111-120. Dec., 2019. [link]
  9. 洪振洲, 蔡伯郎, “經典與注疏之數位化系統設計與建置-以「《成唯識論》及其注疏編撰」為例”,圖資與檔案學刊,第92期, pp. 1-21. June, 2018. DOI: 10.6575/JILA.201806_(92).0001 [link]
  10. 洪振洲, “數位時代漢譯佛典之研究利器-CBETA數位研究平臺”,數位典藏與數位人文,第1期, pp. 149-174, April, 2018. DOI: 10.6853/DADH.201804_1.0006 [link]
  11. Marcus Bingenheimer, Jen-Jou Hung and Cheng-en HSIEH, “Stylometric Analysis of Chinese Buddhist texts – Do different Chinese translations of the Gaṇḍavyūha reflect stylistic features that are typical for their age?”, Journal of the Japanese Association for Digital Humanities, Volume 2 Issue 1, pp. 1-30, 2017 [link]
  12. Marcus Bingenheimer, Jen-Jou Hung, Simon Wiles, Bo-yong ZHANG “Modeling East Asian Calendars in an Open Source Authority Database.” International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing, Volume 10 Issue 2, pp.127–144, 2016 [link]
  13. 洪振洲,”由資料庫到數位研究平台──談佛典文獻數位研究工具之發展與演變”,《漢學研究通訊》Vol. 35, No.1, pp.1-14, 2016
  14. 洪振洲,”中國佛教寺廟志數位典藏系統之建置”,《法鼓佛學學報》Vol. 12, No.1, pp.145-157, 2013 (THCI Core)[Link]
  15. 洪振洲,馬德偉 and 許智偉 “台灣佛教數位典藏資料庫之建置”,《教育資料與圖書館學刊》Vol. 49, No.1, pp.103-133, 2011 (TSSCI) [Link]
  16. Marcus Bingenheimer, Jen-Jou Hung and Simon Wiles, “Social Network Visualization from TEI Data.” Literary and Linguistic Computing 2011; doi: 10.1093/llc/fqr020. (SSCI, AHCI)[Link]
  17. 洪振洲,馬德偉 and 許智偉 “漢文佛典的語意標記與應用:《高僧傳》文獻的時空資訊視覺化和語意搜尋.” 《圖書與資訊學刊》, Vol.2, No.3 (No.74), pp.1-24, 2010.08
  18. Jen-Jou Hung, Marcus Bingenheimer and simon wiles “Quantitative Evidence for a Hypothesis regarding the Attribution of early Buddhist Translations.” Literary and Linguistic Computing 2010 25(1):119-134; doi: 10.1093/llc/fqp036(SSCI, AHCI)
  19. Yungho Leu, Jen-Jou Hung, “An energy efficient re-access scheme for data caching in data broadcast of a mobile computing environment.” Information Sciences, vol.177 no. 24, pp.5538-5557, December, 2007 (SCI)[Link]
  20. Yungho Leu, Jen-Jou Hung, Ming-Ben Lin, “A New Cache Invalidation and Searching Policy for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks” WSEAS trans. on Computer Research, Issue 1, Volume 2, pp. 66-72 January 2007[Link]
  21. Jen-Jou Hung, Yungho Leu, “Efficient Index Caching for Data Dissemination in Mobile Computing Environments” The Journal of Systems & Software vol.79, Issues 1. pp. 93-106, 2006 ( SCI )[Link]
  22. Jen-Jou Hung, Andre Seifert, “An Efficient Data Broadcasting Scheduler for Energy-Constraint Broadcast Servers,” International Journal of Computer Systems Science & Engineering vol. 20 No.3 pp. 169-184 May 2005( SCI )[Link]

Book Chapter:

  1. Jen-Jou Hung and Bhikkhu Anālayo, “A Quantitative Textual Analysis of the Translation Idiom of the Madhyama-āgama and the Ekottarika-āgama,” Research on the Madhyama-āgama, ISBN: 978-957-598-739-8, Dharma Drum Publishing Corporation, pp.107-132,2017
  2. Jen-Jou Hung, “A Texual Analysis of the Last Discourse in the Chinese Dīrgha-āgama Based on a Translation Attribution Algorithm”, Research on the Dīrgha-āgama, ISBN: 978-957-59-8657-5, Dharma Drum Publishing Corporation, pp.107-132,2014
  3. Jen-Jou Hung, “The Second Version of the Mahādeva Tale in the Ekottarika-āgama: Quantitative Text Analysis and Translatorship Attribution”, Research on the Ekotta­­rika-āgama (Taishō 125), ISBN: 978-957-59-8626-1, Dharma Drum Publishing Corporation, pp.167-196,2013
  4. 謝承恩、洪振洲、馬德偉,〈結合漢典古籍虛詞常見字與統計量化分析進行漢譯佛典譯者風格辨別〉,《數位人文要義:尋找類型與軌跡》,ISBN: 978-986-03-4236-9 ,台灣大學出版中心,2012,pp. 117-140
  5. 洪振洲、馬德偉、張伯雍、李志賢、黃仁順, 〈佛教數位典藏與GIS應用技術分享〉,《從保存到創造:開啟數位人文研究》,ISBN: 978-986-03-0020-8 ,台灣大學出版中心,2011,pp. 147-167

Conference Paper:

  1. 洪振洲, “佛教人物數位資源建置–以法鼓山聖嚴法師數位典藏為例”, 天乙和尚尼百歲誕辰紀念暨佛教人物研究發展研討會,2023年10月22日,台灣大學。
  2. Jen-Jou Hung, “The Design and Experience of Implementing Data Sharing Mechanism of Electronic Chinese Buddhist Texts of CBETA with SHINE API,”  第十三屆數位典藏與數位人文國際研討會, (DADH 2022) ,2022年12月10日-12月12日,國立中興大學文學院
  3. 洪振洲, “開放資料服務於漢籍數位人文研究資源之發展與應用, ”  中文文獻資源共建共享合作會議:「跨域經緯。創新翻轉—圖書館與數位人文的對話」會議論文集 (ISBN 978-9-5767-8699-0), 2021年7月13-14日, (178-201 頁), 國家圖書館。
  4. 洪振洲, 釋天華, 釋慧禪, “佛學期刊論文內大藏經引用資訊之擷取與分析, ”  第十一屆數位典藏與數位人文國際研討會 (DADH 2020) , 2020年12月1-4日, 中央研究院。
  5. 洪振洲,”DEDU: 一個以人文研究需求為核心的線上對讀文本製作工具, ”  第十屆數位典藏與數位人文國際研討會 (DADH 2019) , 2019年12月3-6日, 國立臺灣師範大學圖書館。
  6. 洪振洲,”以資料鏈結發展智慧時代佛教經典數位研究資源, ”  2019 佛教藏經國際學術研討會, 2019年8月9-11日, 佛光山
  7. Jen-Jou Hung and Yu-Chun Wang, “An Easy-to-use Data Analysis and Visualization Tool for Studying Chinese Buddhist Literature“(Poster), Digital Humanities 2018, June. 26-29, 2018, Mexico City, Mexico.
  8. 洪振洲杜正民、黃舒鈴, “法的療癒資料庫研究與建置,”  第七屆數位典藏與數位人文國際研討會, 2016年12月1-2日,國立臺灣大學
  9. 洪振洲, “建構以輔助學術研究為導向之漢籍佛典數位平台,”  第六屆數位典藏與數位人文國際研討會, 2016年11月30日-12月1日國立臺灣大學
  10. Jen-Jou Hung, “Applying a Combined Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis Method to Evaluate the Translatorship of the Fourth Division of the Chinese Translation of the Dīrgha-āgama”, Digital Humanities 2015, June. 29- July 3, 2015, Sydney, Australia.
  11. Jen-Jou Hung, “Digital Corpus and Toolset for Performing Text Analysis on Chinese Translation of Buddhist Scriptures”(Poster), Digital Humanities 2015, June. 29- July 3, 2015, Sydney, Australia.
  12. 釋法持、洪振洲, “誰翻譯了《長阿含經.世記經》?以文字統計方法尋找新的證據,” 第五屆數位典藏與數位人文國際研討會, 2014年12月1-2日, 中研院
  13. Jen-Jou Hung,Marcus Bingenheimer and kwok jie li, “A Computer-Based Approach for Predicting the Translation Time Period of Early Chinese Buddhism Translation” Digital Humanities, July. 16-22, 2012, University of Hamburg, Germany.
  14. Marcus Bingenheimer, Jen-Jou Hung, and Cheng-en Hsieh, “Stylometric Analysis of Chinese Buddhist texts: Do different Chinese translations of the Gandhavyūha reflect stylistic features that are typical for their age?” Digital Humanities, July. 16-22, 2012, University of Hamburg, Germany.
  15. 洪振洲、郭捷立,〈以統計量化分析方式進行早期漢譯佛典之翻譯年代判斷與翻譯特徵萃取〉,佛教文獻研究暨第六届佛經語言學國際學術硏討會,韓國忠州交通大學主辦,2012年10月13-15日,韓國忠州
  16. 洪振洲、王秀雯,〈徑山寺志數位典藏系統建置與應用〉,纪念径山禅寺开山1270周年暨径山与中国禅宗文化国际学术研讨会,杭州徑山寺主辦,2012年8月20-21日,
  17. 郭捷立、釋法幢、杜正民、洪振洲,〈以地理資訊平台輔助佛教人物史傳研究–宋僧淨源生平考釋為例〉,2010年數位典藏地理資訊學術研討會,台灣大學主辦,2010年10月12-13日
  18. Jen-Jou Hung, Marcus Bingenhimer and Simon Wiles, “Digital Texts and GIS: The interrogation and coordinated visualization of Classical Chinese texts”, Proceedings of 2010 International Conference on Computer Design and Applications, vol. 1(pp.453-458), Hebei: Qinhuangdao.(EI)
  19. 李志賢、洪振洲, 〈法鼓佛教學院權威資料註解服務〉, 2009電腦與網路科技在教育上的應用研討會,新竹,中華大學,2009年11月26-27日 .
  20. Marcus Bingenheimer, Jen-Jou Hung, Simon Wiles, “Markup meets GIS – Visualizing the ‘Biographies of Eminent Buddhist Monks” Proceedings of Information Visualization IV 2009, pp.550-554
  21. 李之中、溫芃安、洪振洲王政傑, 〈在行動隨意網路中應用節點群集且具有能源效率的合作暫存方法〉,In the Proceedings of TAIWAN Acadmic Network Conference, Oct.20-22 2008.[Link]
  22. Jen-Jou Hung, and Andre Seifert, “FlexSched*: A parameterized Data Schedule Generator for Multi-Channel Broadcast Systems” In the Proceedings of the International Workshop on Future Mobile and Ubiquitous Information Technologies (FMUIT), May 2006.(EI)[Link]
  23. Andre Seifert, and Jen-Jou Hung, “FlexInd: A Flexible and Parameterizable Air-Indexing Scheme for Data Broadcast Systems. ” In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT) 2006, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), pages 902 — 920, Springer Verlag, March 2006 (SCI,EI)[Link]
  24. Yungho Leu, Chiao-Jung Chang and Jen-Jou Hung, A hybrid cache policy for data broadcast systems,”National Computer Symposium, MC27, Dec 15-16, 2005.[Link]
  25. Jen-Jou Hung; Yungho Leu, “Energy-Efficient Indexing Schemes for Data Broadcasting in Mobile Computing Environment” 14th Mobile Computing Workshop, 2005[Link]
  26. Jen-Jou Hung; Yungho Leu , “Efficient index caching schemes for data broadcasting in mobile computing environments” Database and Expert Systems Applications, 2003. Proceedings. 14th International Workshop on, 1-5 Sept. 2003 Page(s):139 – 143(EI)[Link]
  27. Jen-Jou Hung, Yungho Leu, “An energy efficient data reaccess scheme for data broadcast in mobile computing environments” Parallel Processing Workshops, 2003. Proceedings. 2003 International Conference on 6-9 Oct. 2003 Page(s):5 – 12(EI)[Link]

Oral Presentation/Poster:

  1. Jen-Jou Hung, “Overview Digital Humanities for East Asian Studies on Buddhist Studies”, Plenary Session in Tool of the Trade: the way forward, 2023, Havard University. USA.
  2. 洪振洲、王昱鈞, “人工智慧技術於佛教文本研究之應用與挑戰, “「宗教與AI」國際學術研討會 , 2023年12月1-16日, 輔仁大學。
  3. 洪振洲, “運用 ChatGPT 微調功能於優化大藏經參照資訊擷取效能之
    研究, ”  第十四屆數位典藏與數位人文國際研討會 (DADH 2023), 2023年12月1-3日, 國立成功大學。
  4. Jieh Hsiang, Jen-Jou Hung, I-Mei Hung, Pei-Feng Ting and Hao-Cheng Lo, “Digital Resources in Buddhist Studies in Taiwan – a Progress Report (panel)”, The 12th Conference of Japanese Association for Digital Humanities (JADH2023), 2023 Sep. 11 (Online).  (Conference Site)
  5. Shu-Ling Huang, Yu-Chun Wang, and Jen-Jou Hung, “Developing an Automatic Classification Mechanism for Chinese Buddhist Texts Using Deep Learning Methods”, The 12th Conference of Japanese Association for Digital Humanities (JADH2023), Sep. 11(Online).  (Conference Site)
  6. 洪振洲 , “應用文字挖掘技術於連結電子佛典與佛學論文資料庫之研究”, 國科會計畫海報展 — 第二屆圖書資訊學術與實務研討會(2nd Conference of LIS and Practices, CoLISP 2022) , 12月9日-10日, 2022, 國立師範大學. (會議網址)
  7. 洪振洲 , “「中國佛教寺廟志數位典藏」的建置與數位分析應用”, 计算历史学论坛, 全国社会媒体处理大会SMP2022, 8月19日-21日, 2022, 北京. (線上參與) (會議網址)
  8. Jen-Jou Hung  , “The Latest Developments of CBETA Collection and Research Tools”, XIXth Congress of the International Association of Buddhist Studies (IABS 2022), Seoul National University, Republic of korea(Online). (Conference Site)
  9. Jen-Jou Hung  and Yu-Chun Wang, “Bert-based Chinese Buddhist Cannon Citation Extraction Model Utilizing Prior Defined Regex Pattern and Data Augmentation”, Digital Humanities 2022, July. 25-29, 2019, Toshi Center Hotel, Tokyo, Japan (Online).  (Conference Site)
  10. Jen-Jou Hung , “自然語言處理技術於 數位人文領域的應用機會–以佛教經典研究為例”, Special Session: NLP for Digital Humanities, ROCLing 2020, September 25. 2020, 台北科技大學 (會議網址)
  11. Jen-Jou Hung , “How and Why we Implement SHINE API for CBETA”, RISE & SHINE Tool Developers Workshop, September 23. 2020, online. (workshop site)
  12. Ching- Hsuan Mei and Jen-Jou Hung  , “Exploring Intertextuality in the Mahoyoga Section of the Rin chen gter mdzod”, Digital Humanities 2019, July. 9-12, 2019, Ulterch University, the Nederlands.
  13. Jen-Jou Hung, “佛教文獻數位研究環境的規劃與實作”,宗教研究新展望:輔仁大學宗教學系創所30週年紀念學術研討會, 14-15 December, 2018, 輔仁大學, 台北.
  14. Jen-Jou Hung, “Using API to Facilitate the Cross-System Collaboration between CBETA Research Platform and Docusky”,Japanese Association for Digital Humanities (JADH) conference 2018, 09-11 September, 2018, Hitotsubashi-Hall, Tokyo, Japan.
  15. 洪振洲, “由數字化到數位人文:人文研究需求驅動下的漢文佛典數位資源發展歷程” (Keynote),第三届北京大学数字人文论坛, 14-15 June, 2018, 北京大學圖書館
  16. 洪振洲, “以開放資料與開放API打造跨平台連結之數位人文研究環境”,數位人文視野下的漢學研究國際研討會, 4-5 June, 2018, 台灣大學數位人文中心
  17. 洪振洲, “新時代的佛典數位研究平台的規劃與實作”,「中國歷史研究的網路基礎設施」國際研討會, 14-16 March, 2018, 上海哈佛中心
  18. Jen-Jou Hung, “CBETA Research Platform”,PNC Annual Conference 2017, 7-9 November, 2017, National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), Tainan, Taiwan
  19. Jen-Jou Hung, “CBETA Research Platform: A Digital Research Environment for Studying Chinese Buddhist Literature in the New Era”(Poster),Japanese Association for Digital Humanities (JADH) conference 2017, 11-12 September, 2017, Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan.
  20. Huimin Bhikshu and Jen-Jou Hung, “Some Trends in Buddhist Digital Research Resources in the New Era:Integrated Collaboration & Quantitative Analysis”, International Conference on Recent Trends in Buddhist Research, 22-23 October, 2016, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
  21. Jen-Jou Hung, “A Digital Research Platform for Studying Chinese Buddhist Literature” Digital Research in East Asian Studies: Corpora,Methods, and Challenges, 10-12 July, 2016, Leiden University, the Netherlands
  22. 洪振洲, “佛學數位典藏與數位人文研究平台之建置,”【宗教研究與數位人文】論壇, 19 May, 2016, 台灣宗教協會與政治大學宗教系主辦, 政治大學
  23. Aming Tu, Jen-Jou Hung and Ching-Hsuan Mei, “DBMHA: A Database of Medicine & Healing Approaches in the Chinese Buddhist Tripiṭaka” Sacred Cures: Situating Medicine and Religion in Asia Workshop, 2-4 May, 2016, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin, Germany
  24. Jen-Jou Hung and Aming Tu “CBETA-RP — an Integrated Digital Research Platform of Chinese Buddhism Materials” ECAI Workshop (co-located with International Symposium on Grids and Clouds 2016), 17 March, 2016, Acadmia Sinica, Taiwan
  25. 洪振洲, “(特邀演講)佛典文獻數位研究工具之發展與演變,” 漢譯佛經梵漢對比分析語料庫的使用及修訂學術工作坊, 22 Jaunary-23 Jaunary, 2016, 香港教育學院
  26. 洪振洲, “適用於數位分析之漢譯佛典語料庫和工具(Poster),”  第六屆數位典藏與數位人文國際研討會, 30 November-2 December, 2015, 台灣大學
  27. 洪振洲,”佛學數位圖書館暨博物館展望和佛學數位資源介紹,” 2015 東亞佛教思想文化國際學術研討會, 16-18 October, 2015, 台灣大學文學院, Taiwan
  28. Jen-Jou Hung and Aming Tu “Building an Integrated Digital Research Platform of Chinese Buddhism Materials” PNC Annual Conference 2014, 21-23 October, 2014, National Palace Meseum, Taiwan
  29. 洪振洲, “由佛典文字數位化到數位時代的佛典詮釋” 「古籍全文資料庫的回顧與展望」工作坊, 05 June, 2014, Acadmia Sinica, Taiwan [pdf]
  30. Jen-Jou Hung and Aming Tu “From Digital Buddhist Resource Accumulation to the Establishment of Digital Research Platform.” ECAI Workshop (co-located with International Symposium on Grids and Clouds 2014), 23-24 March, 2014, Acadmia Sinica, Taiwan
  31. Jen-Jou Hung, “Buddha Ngram Viewer: A Ngram Visualization Tool of Chinese Buddhist Translation Texts.” PNC 2013 Annual Conference and Joint Meetings, Dec. 10-12, 2013, kyoto University, Japan
  32. Aming Tu and Jen-Jou Hung, “The Present and Future of the CBETA Project” International Symposium: Humanities Studies in the Digital Age and the Role of Buddhist Studies, Co-hosted by the Center for Evolving Humanities, Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, Dec 16-17, 2013, University of Tokyo
  33. Aming Tu and Jen-Jou Hung and Yen-Hong Lin, “Building a Text Analysis Platform for Chinese Buddhist Text An Example Based on CBETA and Tripitaka Catalog Projects” PNC 2012 Annual Conference and Joint Meetings, Dec. 7-9, 2012, UC Berkeley School of Information, USA.
  34. Huimin BHIKSHU, Aming Tu and Jen-Jou Hung,”Digitizing, Integrating, and Promoting the National Central Library’s (NCL) Treasured Rare Books of the Buddhist Tripiṭaka: A Valuable Resource for Scholars and the General Population World-Wide” in 2012 TELDAP International Conference, Feb. 21-24, 2012, Acadmic Sinica, Taipei Taiwan.
  35. Jen-Jou Hung and Marcus Bingenheimer, “Applications of Text Analysis: to Predict the  Translation Time and to Check the Authorship of Early Buddhist Translations” in The XVIth Congress of the IABS (IABS 2011), June 20-15, 2011, DDBC, Jinshan, Taipei
  36. Jen-Jou Hung “DDBC Authority Database Project” (Poster) in The XVIth Congress of the IABS (IABS 2011), June 20-15, 2011, DDBC, Jinshan, Taipei
  37. Jen-Jou Hung,”Computational Authorship Attributions of Early Buddhist Translations” in ECAI workshop, 2011 TELDAP International Conference, March 16-19, 2011, Acadmic Sinica, Taipei Taiwan.
  38. Jen-Jou Hung, Marcus Bingenheimer and Simon Wiles,”Text Query and Concurrent Geographical Visualization – a Sophisticated Interface Design using Open Source Technologies”(Poster) in IEEE Pacific Visualization 2010, March 2–5, 2010, National Taiwan University.
  39. SHIH, Ju-ying and Jen-Jou Hung, “Epigraphy in XML – a Rich Digitization of “Selections of Buddhist Stone Rubbings from the Northern Dynasties,” TELDAP intl’ conf., March. 2–5, 2010, Acadmic Sinica
  40. Jen-Jou Hung and Marcus Bingenheimer,”TEI Chinese Localization Project”(Poster) in Conference and Members’ Meeting of the TEI Consortium, Nov. 11–15, 2009, University of Michigan.
  41. Jen-Jou Hung and Simon Willes ,”Authority Database Web Widget and Services, a new way to integrate digital archieve projects.”, in PNC 2009 Annual Conference held in conjunction with the Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative, Oct.06-08 2009, Academia Sinica, Taipei.
  42. Jen-Jou Hung ,”Dharma Drum Buddhist College’s Authority Databases” in 佛學數位典藏資源整合之國內研討會 Integrated Buddhist Archives Network, Apr 15 2009, Acadmia Sinica, Taipei Taiwan.
  43. Jen-Jou Hung,”The Time, Person, and Place Authority Databases for Chinese Buddhist Texts” in PNC 2008 Annual Conference held in conjunction with the Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative, Dec.03-06 2008, HaNoi, Vietnam.
  44. Aming Tu, Jen-Jou Hung , Fayuan Shi,”Using GIS and culture records in the development of Taiwan Buddhism Database” in PNC 2008 Annual Conference held in conjunction with the Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative, Dec.03-06 2008, HaNoi, Vietnam.

Reference Material:

  • Full table of all bi-grams,tri-grams and n-grams in the first component in experiments of “Quantitative Evidence for a Hypothesis regarding the Attribution of early Buddhist Translations”

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